“To create a culture where you are constantly plugged in and expected to be always-on is to create a culture of burnout.” - Ariana Huffington

Feel excited about life again

Burnout leaves people feeling like they’re not themselves; what once was a source of joy is now tedious, people we love are now irritating, and life feels overwhelming and monotonous at the same time. 

Shake off the Autopilot and find hope for the future, with Monarch

Get Rapid Symptom Relief in 30 days or less.

  • After the Monarch Burnout Protocol experience, you will love what you do again — finding a renewed sense of excitement and purpose in your path forward.

  • Upon completion of the Monarch Burnout Protocol, you will have clarity around not just what created your burnout but also how to ensure moving forward you stay feeling like… you!

  • The Monarch Burnout Protocol offers clients the chance to experience rapid relief from the emotional symptoms of Burnout, including depression, fatigue, irritability, and more.

  • Clients that go through the Monarch Burnout Protocol feel an extreme increase in not only problem solving abilities, but also creativity in general.

  • Lack of Motivation

    Burnout does not care how much you are supposed to love your job; once it shows up, burnout breeds apathy.

  • Depression & Frustration

    It is unsettling to feel negatively about a career you once loved, but once it begins irritability, depression and frustration constantly bubble up.

  • That "Autopilot" Feeling

    Burnout will turn even the most devoted and passionate person into someone who spends literally years just, going through the motions.

  • Decision Paralysis

    One particularly nefarious part of Burnout is that it turns successful, decisive people, into folks who are too paralyzed to make a career decision.


The Monarch Burnout Protocol is a 3-step process — combining virtual tele-health support with a private personal retreat, for maximum impact — that culminates in a totally personalized treatment plan built around the unique history, immediate symptom needs, and long-term goals of each individual client.


  • Over the course of 3 weeks, clients work with Monarch counselors, coaches, and therapists — depending on their personal needs — to get to the root of what is driving their burnout and the behaviors that are related to it, and, most excitingly, new potential alternatives and solutions.

  • Over this 3 weeks, there will be 4 tele-health sessions (virtual) including:

    1. Initial Intake

    2. Symptom Relief Assessment

    3. Personal History Mapping

    4. New Goal Setting and Priming

    From these virtual sessions, a Personalized treatment plan will be created by Monarch, designed to meet each client’s specific needs and goals.


  • Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, an hour from New York City, the Monarch private personal retreat space was designed to maximize the impact and effectiveness of Protocols for clients. This means means privacy, tranquility, and 5-star hospitality while your personalized Protocol comes to life.

  • Our beautifully designed, medical-grade private personal retreat facility, allows clients to experience their Monarch Depression Protocol in optimal conditions.

    Each Protocol client will experience 2 nights and 3 days in the private personal retreat space working with their dedicated support team undergoing therapeutic interventions and personalized treatments, and resting & relaxing in beautifully appointed accommodations — with lodging, food, and drink included and optimized for their personal gains.


  • After completing their private personal retreats, clients feel excited and hopeful — it is with this momentum, that Burnout Protocol clients have 3 more tele-health sessions over another 3 weeks. These sessions are focused on the new goals and plans the client is making for their new future with symptom relief.

  • Over this final 3 weeks, there will be 3 tele-health sessions (virtual) including:

    1. Creating Tactical Plans

    2. Building a dream future

    3. Managing this new mind

    From these virtual sessions, clients not only gain the ability to take advantage of their new mindset, but also tactical and tangible plans and methodologies custom-tailored to their unique life.


Underlying the Monarch Protocols, is a new, patent pending, therapeutic procedure that was invented by Monarch Neuroscience. Combining the tenets of Psychodynamic Therapy with the benefits of Neuroplasticity, our proprietary procedure was borne out of the desire to provide consistent, rapid symptom relief to clients — something that traditional talk therapy failed to deliver in terms of speed, and something that classic psychedelic or alternative medicine treatments failed to deliver on a truly consistent basis.

Psychodynamic Therapy is a type of talk-therapy that focuses on exploring past experiences and emotional patterns to uncover how unresolved conflicts, childhood experiences, and defense mechanisms influence present thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This base allows Monarch to work with clients to identify underlying issues.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This adaptability allows the brain to adapt to new learning experiences and adjust to changes in the environment. Powered by Ketamine at Monarch, Neuroplasticity allows clients to create new permanent ways of thinking, rapidly.


The Monarch Burnout Protocol offers a new, science-backed approach for people who are tired of feeling like they’re living their life on autopilot – people who want to feel a renewed sense of energy, focus, and happiness in their life.


    Upon completion of the Monarch Burnout Protocol, clients gain a renewed sense of excitement to engage directly and fervently in their lives with intention and goal-directed behaviors that make them feel alive.


    Our immersive experience gives clients insight and a dramatic understanding of their symptoms (anger, resentment, anxiety and more) and provides immediate relief, making them less reactive and more connected to the good in life.


    Monarchs Burnout Protocol gives clients a fresh, thrilling sense of life goals and values with the tools to implement them; with increased motivation and clarity around their personal drive and increased creativity to solve problems.

We are here to help.

If you are not ready to Apply Now to become a Monarch client, but you are curious about how we could help you or someone you love successfully navigate to your brightest future possible, we want to hear from you.

The most successful Monarch clients are those who want to do the work, to become their best self — if this is you and you’re looking for an edge to amke your dreams a reality, you really should get in touch. We are here to help.

  • Created by Monarch Neuroscience

    Our patented Protocol approach provides rapid, personalized powerful results that leave clients feeling excited about a future they previously could not have imagined – achieving what previously took 30 years of therapy, in 30 days or less.